
Who Is Likely To Develop A Bunion?

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Bunions affect up to one-third of all Americans. Foot problems are more frequent in older persons, particularly women. bunions Mill Creek can grow on either one or both feet. A bunion is a painful bony protrusion on the outside of the big toe caused by walking pressure or foot form. Narrow shoes and prolonged standing can aggravate bunion discomfort. If toe spacers, bunion pads, and better-fitting shoes do not help, surgery may be required (a bunionectomy). The most prevalent kind of bunion is on the big toe. Other kinds are as follows:

  • Some kids are born with bunions due to congenital hallux valgus.
  • Tweens and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 15 are at risk of developing bunions.
  • A tailor’s bunion, also called bunionette, develops on the outer base of the little (pinky) toe.

Causes of bunions

The underlying reason is a malformation of the joint at the base of the big toe. The condition is known as hallux valgus. The joint acquires a significant sideways tilt in this malformation. Because of this deformity, the big toe bones are pushed towards the smaller toes. The skin on the angled joint then rubs against the inside of the shoes. This may lead to thickening and inflammation of the skin and tissues underlying the afflicted joint. In most circumstances, the cause of a hallux valgus deformity is unknown. This joint may have an inherited (genetic) propensity to be weak. It is sometimes linked to a joint issue, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Whatever the primary cause, wearing tight or poorly fitted shoes aggravates the condition. Wearing such shoes increases strain on the big toe joint and generates friction on the skin beneath.

How to prevent a bunion

Properly fitted footwear is essential for avoiding bunions or keeping an existing bunion from worsening. Your doctor can recommend how to choose the proper shoes. In general, shoes with a wide toe box and soft bottoms are preferable. Shoes with narrow and sharp tips, and high heels that put pressure on the front of the foot, should be avoided. Custom-fitted orthotics can assist prevent or reduce the onset of bunions if you have flat feet or another hereditary structural foot condition.

Bunion in adolescence

This is most common in females between 10 and 15, although it can also happen to boys. Doctors are not sure why females are more prone to get them, although it might be due to changes in footwear at that age. Young people with bunions, unlike adults, can generally wiggle their big toe, but it still aches. Teens acquire them because it runs in their family, not as a medical ailment.

Bunions can worsen over time if not treated properly, such as altering your footwear or utilizing orthotics. If you have extreme discomfort when walking or standing, you may become sedentary (inactive), dangerous to your health and quality of life. Most patients obtain symptom alleviation through over-the-counter medications or medical treatments. If surgery is required, it can be beneficial. Call Hansen Foot & Ankle or schedule a meeting online to determine what therapy you require for your bunions.

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